Macbook pro 3 beeps loosen up screws
Macbook pro 3 beeps loosen up screws

macbook pro 3 beeps loosen up screws macbook pro 3 beeps loosen up screws

I'd suggest trying "module 1" in the top socket.

macbook pro 3 beeps loosen up screws

Or maybe the rare case that both the memory and socket are bad. Under warranty, Apple would have replaced the entire logic board for a bad socket. It could also be a bad socket, and that's kind of harder to fix, but not impossible. If the sockets are fine, it should be able to operate properly on a single, good module. One of the things you might try temporarily is to test your machine one at a time with a single memory module inserted. I think it should also give a different tone if it doesn't sense any memory installed. If one module is good but it doesn't sense (such as not seated) the other module at all it will just ignore it. It does a quick memory test during power on, and if it detects an error it goes quickly to the beeps. Just for clarification, is this a mid-2012 model? Anything after that wouldn't have memory modules, but would be soldered to the logic board without any way to expand. I edited my previously reply and added the links to how to check AHT as well as the startup tone indicators.

Macbook pro 3 beeps loosen up screws